Amaryllis Basket Bag


Amaryllis is a unique design.

The combination of yellows, green and pink makes this basket a very attractive piece.

These vivid colours can brighten every day.

It definitely lives up to its name, bright and beautiful.

Decorated with upcycled fabric flowers and artificial fern, which are stitched onto the basket individually.


Key Features:

A cotton drawstring at the top for privacy.

Button enclosure

Interior lining and a zipped pocket easily accommodate a small purse.

Leather handles are comfortable. They are handstitched onto the basket and are very strong.

They are long enough to go over the shoulders.

Leathers corners are added for stability.

The outer layer has been treated, making them waterproof and also protects from fading.

All our bags have an engraved yellow metal logo.




Height 28cm

Width 50cm

Depth 22cm


Measurements are approximate only.

Slight colour difference due to lighting and camera resolution.